Saturday, December 8, 2007

What is Hanna Somatic Education?

Hanna Somatic Education® (HSE), also known as Hanna Somatics, is a system of neuromuscular education (mind-body training) which helps you to enjoy freedom from pain and more comfortable movement for the rest of your life.

Hanna Somatic Education® teaches you to recognize, release, and reverse chronic pain patterns resulting from injury, stress, repetitive motion strain, or habituated postures.

Hanna Somatic Education® particularly helps relieve pain and disability associated with common health complaints such as: headaches; stiff or painful joints and muscles; fatigue; poor posture; breathing problems; impaired movement; accident trauma and whiplash effects; back pain; repetitive use/stress injuries; etc.

You can begin Hanna Somatics with individual hands-on lessons or group classes. In either case your certified Hanna Somatic Education® practitioner guides you through an educational process. This awakens your freedom to sense and move your body deliberately, freely, and naturally.

You also learn Somatic Exercises™ so that you can continue to explore movement and improve yourself on a daily basis. Hanna Somatic Education® can enhance the effectiveness of most other health improvement methods you may use.

If you are interested in maximizing the benefits of your health dollar and in achieving quicker, better, longer-lasting results, add Hanna Somatic Education® sessions and/or classes to your process.

Doing so can enable you to enjoy a rapid and significant improvement in physical comfort, quality of movement, posture and overall appearance.

To learn more about Hanna Somatic Education go to

To learn more about individual and group sessions in Victoria, BC in Canada call: 1-250-590-0825 or email

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