Thursday, April 24, 2008

John and Aida Happy Campers

Just called John and Aida. They are doing fine and telling all their friends about the work.

Their friends ask, 'What happened? You have completely changed!'

When they tell them what happened in only 6 sessions their friends insist it is 'impossible!'

Still, they remain pain-free, and are enjoying life and movement as never before. John said he has not felt so free in his body since he was a kid. YES! Exactly, the whole point of Somatics is to bring us back to the 'baby body'.

John can now rest his head on the floor 100% without pain. I will be posting his testimonial up here as soon as he emails it to me.

This work is about empowering you to live without therapy and without pain killers. Yes, it is possible. Don't let anyone tell you it is not.

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