Friday, April 25, 2008

Letter from John D.

March 9, 2008

To Wayne Nash and Dr.Bradley Gage

In September of 2007, while on vacation in the Okanagan, I developed a severe pain in my neck that telescoped down my left arm all the way to my fingers. Thinking that I may be having a heart attack I went to emergency at a hospital in Oliver. After a number of tests it was determined that I was not having a heart attack, but the pain had something to do with my neck or shoulder. The only medication that I took at this time was Tylenol 3. After getting back to Victoria I immediately went to my physician and it was determined that I had a pinched nerve in my neck. My physician referred me to a specialist and had me go to Physiotherapy. He also prescribed for me a pain killer called GABAPENTIN. After taking a few of those I had to discontinue using them due to a hyper reaction I got from using them. After twelve sessions of physiotherapy, some of the pain was reduced, but not enough to allow me a good nights rest. At that point I received an appointment to see the specialist. He examined me and prescribed a pain killer called PREGABALIN, more commonly known as LYRICA. These seemed to help somewhat. He also referred me to another doctor. I finally got an appointment to see him early in January 2008, he recommended I get an injection of a steroid with an anti inflammatory. This did not give me great comfort to be injected with a steroid. As well the waiting period to receive this injection could be up to four or six months. This also did not give me great comfort to have to be suffering with the pain for that length of time.

Mid January a relative of mine suggested that I might see Wayne Nash, and that he might be able to help me. I made an appointment to see him and to see if he might be able to help me. Wayne teaches something called ACUSOMATICS, which is HANNA SOMATIC EDUCATION. Wayne is a certified practitioner in HSE. After discussing my situation with Wayne, he determined that he would be able to help me, but he also suggested that I see a Chiropractor. It was his professional opinion that the reason I have the pinched nerve is due to my poor posture and that a chiropractic adjustment might be in order. He recommended Dr. Bradley Gage at Back Fit. I took him up on his suggestion and made an appointment with Dr. Gage. After taking some X rays at Back Fit I found that I was very hunched over and getting worse.

After two one and a half hour sessions with Wayne Nash and one adjustment session with Dr. Gage, the pain was reduced to the point that no longer needed to use any painkillers. After five one and a half hour sessions with Wayne Nash and twelve adjustment session with Dr Gage, I am happy to say that the pain has gone away completely and the only thing I still occasionally feel a mild tingle in my arm.

At the present time I am 64 years old and during my younger years I stood 6 feet 2 inches tall. At the time the X Rays were taken my height was 5 feet 11 ½ inches tall. After twelve sessions with Dr Gage and the five session with Wayne Nash I am now 6 feet 1 ½ inches tall. A recovery of 2 inches. With continued treatments at Back Fit and HSE, I have the possibility of recovering my total height and have no more tingles in my arm.

I would like to thank both Wayne Nash and Dr Gage for getting me pain free and off all painkillers and helping me to live a normal and enjoyable life within a reasonable length of time.

John Dorosz.

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